Slažem se za Robuste, ali ja nisam vidio niti jednu sjeverno od Splita.
Mislim da bi Filifera uz zaštitu mogla kod mene. C. humilis se dobro drži drugu zimu, makar je prošla bila iznimno topla pa nije dobar pokazatelj. Vidim da se ovdje dosta spominje malčiranje kao zaštita. Mislim da je ono dobro za korijen, ali 'izolira' nadzemni dio biljke od topline koju u hladnim noćima otpušta tlo. Zato uzgajivači agruma preporučuju čistu zemlju očišćenu od trave i lišća ispod svojih biljaka. Mislim da bi bolje rješenje bilo pošetkom zime nagrnuti 30-40 cm zemlje oko debla palme kako bi se korijen dodatno zaštitio, a istodobno dopustilo suncu da danju zagrije zemlju da se tako akumulira dodatna toplina za hladne noći.
Za Filiferu sam pronašao ove statistike o preživljavanju na internetu:
Washingtonia filifera "California Fan Palm"
Size: Adult (in reproductive age)
Freeze: Date: Dec 29, 1989 Min:6°F / -14.4°C for 2 Hour(s)
Damage: None after 7 Year(s).
Location: 78238 in a Exposed (to wind or heat radiation) Microclimate.
Soil: Sandy Medium-High pH (neutral to alkaline) with Average Drainage.
Protection: Artificial: No protection.
Comment: 50 feet tall
Source: David E-Mail:
Washingtonia filifera "Cotton Palm"
Freeze: Min:10°F / -12.2°C
Damage: Unknown/Survived
Location: Texas, USA.
Soil: Moist with Good Drainage.
Comment: Older trees survive lower temperatures.
Source: URL: Keith Boyer
Washingtonia filifera "Californian Washingtonia"
Size: Adult (in reproductive age)
Freeze: Min:-17°C / 1.4°F
Damage: None
Location: Loreto, Italy.
Soil: Dry.
Protection: Natural: Frost.
Comment: Palm was undamaged in a near valley protected by trees. Winters 94/5,95/6 were very mild, w/usually 20-30 days of light morning frost which is superficial, not deep into soil and melted by 10am. Winters are dry not to cause disease. No sudden weather change, cold came slowly, so growth had slowed.
Source: Federico Oste E-Mail: URL: The Palm Journal, May 96, No.128, p.15
Washingtonia filifera
Size: Adult (in reproductive age)
Freeze: Date: Dec 21, 1990 Min: 3°F / -16.1°C for 2+ Hour(s) Total Freeze Duration: 3 Day(s)
Damage: 90% Leaf-burn after 3 Month(s).
Location: St. George, Utah !! in a Exposed (to wind or heat radiation) Microclimate.
Soil: Sandy Medium-High pH (neutral to alkaline) with Excellent Drainage.
Protection: Artificial: No protection Natural: None.
Comment: Washingtonia filifera is commonly cultivated in the St. George, Utah area and has been for 60 plus years. This cold wave with a low of 3 degrees F and 3 consecutive days below freezing night and day completely burned the fronds of nearly all specimens in town. Very few were actually killed.
Source: Robert Pitman E-Mail:
Washingtonia filifera
Size: Adult (in reproductive age)
Freeze: Date: Dec 24, 1989 Min:17°F / -8.3°C
Damage: 90% Leaf-burn
Location: 33541 in a Exposed (to wind or heat radiation) Microclimate.
Comment: In a very exposed location; leaves froze but not bud, is making new growth. Here in Zephyr Hills, Paseo County, FL, off I-75 and state rd. 54, freeze was: 12/23/90 low32F high33F, 12/24/89 low17F high34F, 12/25/89 low17F high61F, 12/26/89 low30F high54F.
Source: Erwin & Eugenie Fellows URL: Central FL Palm Bulletin V10#2 Apr90,p6
Washingtonia filifera
Size: Adult (in reproductive age)
Freeze: Date: Dec, 1989 Min:6°F / -14.4°C
Damage: Unknown/Survived
Location: 73127 Oklahoma City, OK !!
Comment: In fall of 1990 a row of old large W. filiferas appeared undamaged during the 89 freeze. Seeds from this source survived but totally defoliated as juveniles planted as 5 gal a -3°F freeze in 1996 without protection.
Source: Don Moorhead E-Mail: URL: Oklahoma Hardy Palms